One Story, Many Voices
An immersive sound installation from Imperial War Museums

Until 18 August 2022 (historic exhibition)
One Story, Many Voices is an immersive binaural sound installation that reflects understanding of the Second World War and Holocaust today, created by Imperial War Museums.
The installation is touring its partner institutions across the country - including Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums at Discovery Museum.
It is a unique experience featuring eight sound stories representing a digital anthology of how we feel, remember and represent the Second World War and Holocaust across the UK today.
Part of the Imperial War Museum’s Second World War and Holocaust Partnership Programme (SWWHPP).
The eight regional partners –- collaborated with celebrated authors, community members and voice artists. Writers Amina Atiq, Nicola Baldwin, Mercedes Kemp, Glenn Patterson and Michael Rosen have written immersive binaural stories, each exploring a specific aspect of the Second World War or the Holocaust.
Inspired by the rich collections and research expertise of IWM, the SWWHPP partners, and diverse communities across the UK, each story is united by the connecting theme of ‘listening. Which stories do we listen to? Which stories don’t we hear and why?