Steam to Green School Program

Discovery Museum’s new exhibition explores the story of energy in the North East by looking back to the industrial revolution, and forward to the pioneering contributions in green technologies happening now across the North East region.

With exciting new hands-on displays demonstrating wind and solar power, historical science and engineering objects and even a 'cutaway' electric NISSAN Leaf car on display, Steam to Green will showcase how the North East is leading the way in green energy.

The Discovery Learning Team will be running an exciting program of workshops and events as part of the Steam to Green Program for children in KS1+.

Creating the Exhibition

The exhibition was created in partnership with Newcastle University.

Headline sponsor: Vattenfall

Follow this link to find out more about Vattenfall our headline sponsor

Supported by: The Reece Foundation, Newcastle University, Faraday Challenge, Friends of Discovery Museum, the Headley Trust and the Art Fund.

Sponsored by: Lumo,  Tyne and Wear Metro and Northumbrian Water