Local History - Where do you think you are?

Booking Enquiry

KS2, KS3 & KS4: History

Discovery Museum Local History - Where do you think you are?


Until Friday 18 July

Booking Information

Charge per class £110 per workshop.

Additional charges may be incurred if the schools request our time to research documents.

Workshop Summary

This is a great workshop if you want to start a Local Study Project with your class. You will start by investigating a range of items that may include maps, plans, photographs and other records from Tyne and Wear Archive The archival material can be chosen by you, your class or carefully selected by our learning staff. This will give your class the starting point to develop your own local enquiry. Your class will have the opportunity to explore the museum to further investigate the theme drawn out from your Archive research. To aid your class’s study they will use tablet computers throughout the sessions to record what they find from the archive and in the museum.

Download the workshop plan and curriculum links

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