Home Front Week 2024

Booking Enquiry

Bookings open Monday 3rd June

Discovery Local History - Blitzed! A World War Two Experience


Monday 2 December - Thursday 5 December

Booking Information

Museum Arrival Time: 10 am

Sessions begin: 10.15 am

Sessions end: 2:15 pm

Museum Departure Time: 2.30 pm


Monday 2nd December - unavailable

Tuesday 3rd December - 1 class spaces available. 

Wednesday 4th December - 2 class spaces available.

Thursday 5th December - 3 class spaces available. 

Friday 6th December - unavailable.

Charge per class for the day: £180

Maximum number of students: 32

When placing your booking please let us know about any access to learning requirements for your group.

Event Summary

Join us at Discovery Museum to investigate and explore what local Home Front life was like during World War II. 

Pupils will take part in a carousel of three hour long workshops, throughout the day, to build their knowledge and understanding of the impact of World War II on the local area and the people who lived here. 

They will discover what life was like for evacuated children and their families in World War II. Learn about why this area was targeted by German bombers and investigate how the government tried to protect the people of the North East.

Activities will include:

  • Object Handling,
  • Archival material,
  • Dramatic re-enactments,
  • Sensory Stories,
  • A practical rationing challenge,
  • and much more! 

Over the course of the day students will take part in 3 hour long sessions. The day will look something like this: 

10am: Arrive at the museum

10:15-11:15am: Session 1

11:15-12:15pm: Session 2

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

1:15-2:15pm: Session 3

2.30pm: Leave the museum

Support your museum visit in school by booking one of our Boxes of Delight. For this workshop event day we would suggest booking a WW2 box but others are available. To enquire about booking a box visit the Boxes of Delight web page by clicking here.

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