Circus Family Day
A free, family day celebrating the colourful world of circus

27 October 2018 (historic exhibition)
Join us for this thrill-packed family day filled with live performances, circus skills, animal stars, candyfloss and more, to celebrate new exhibition Circus! Show of Shows.
Watch performances that will dazzle and amaze, then have-a-go yourself with circus training from Let's Circus.
Meet Marley the mini circus pony on the plaza between 12–2pm for hoof print autographs and photo opportunities.
Joke around with friendly funny-man, Billy Purvis who'll be clowning around with visitors.
Enjoy circus-themed craft activities happening around the museum - drop in and get making.
We'll be giving away free candyfloss to the first 100 children through the doors and it will be available to buy throughout the day. Candyfloss must be eaten outside the museum.