Circus exhibition evaluation

Roll up! Roll up! Local families needed to take part in Circus exhibition evaluation.

Get involved and receive a Love2Shop gift card worth £25

We're currently celebrating 250 years of circus in Great Britain with our temporary exhibition, Circus! Show of Shows (until 2 June 2019), and we're looking for six Must-see Museum Members* to carry out some visitor research to find out what families thought of the exhibition.

Participating families must be available to visit Discovery Museum between 11am-3pm on Sunday 17 March, and agree to look around the exhibition, before answering some detailed questions from the evaluation coordinator. The exhibition and evaluation will take up to 45 minutes. 

Each participating family will receive a Love2Shop gift card worth £25, on completion of the evaluation session.

Want to get involved? 

If you are interested, please email putting "Circus family evaluation" in the subject line. The deadline for applying is Monday 11 March. 

Find out more about Circus! Show of Shows.

* Your family group can include a maximum of 2 adults & 3 children, and children must be aged 5-12 years old.