Stories of Service: Tyneside’s home front during the Second World War
A new exhibition exploring lesser known stories - with Imperial War Museums
Until 26 February 2023 (historic exhibition)
*Now extended to 26 February 2023*
In this new exhibition Discovery Museum shares recently uncovered stories of Tyneside women, and the stories of people who came to Tyneside from the African and Caribbean diaspora during the Second World War.
The stories of local women from Tyneside have never been known publicly and are the result of new research. Discovery Museum has been working with the Imperial War Museums (IWM) to deepen the knowledge of the lesser known stories of people in Tyneside from the Second World War, before they are lost forever.
Alongside the opening of new Second World War and The Holocaust Galleries in 2021, Imperial War Museum's Second World War and Holocaust Partnership Programme (SWWHPP) supported eight cultural heritage partners, including Discovery Museum, across the UK to engage with new audiences and share hidden or lesser-known, local stories related to these histories.
[Image: A group of West Indian women recruited to join the ATS, wait for transport to take them to their train © IWM AP 14372D.]