Science Works

Science Works week is an annual celebration of science at the Discovery Museum. For the last 30 years the Discovery Museum has welcomed hundreds of school children over the course of the week, to take part in practical science sessions.
For our 31st year we have decided to bring Science Works Week to you at home.
Day 1 Monday - Inspired by the Unlocking Our Sound Heritage Project, watch our video to find out how to create your own music using vibrations.
Watch this *how-to* film guiding you step by step to make a membranophone.
The Unlocking Our Sound Heritage Project is an exciting national project led by the British Library which aims to digitally preserve almost 500,000 endangered sound recordings from across the UK and make 100,000 available online, transforming the visibility of sound archive collections in the process. Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums is the hub for the North East and Yorkshire. Read more here.
Day 2 - Tuesday - Did you know that you can do coding without using a computer? Have a go at a simple coding activity and see if you can make your own. Download the activity sheet to print here.
Day 3 - Wednesday - Create your own PH rainbow with our acids and alkalis experiment. Download your PH scales and activities here.
Day 4 - Thursday - This year Segedunum Roman Fort has joined us for Science Works and created a series of fantastic resources all about the Romans. Create a catapult, find out about Roman medicine and explore archaeology.
Day 5 Friday - PLAY+INVENT is our exciting space for families and children to drop in to make, create and invent using a range of resources. Using the space as inspiration, use any recycled materials found around your home to make an invention that moves.
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