Exploring Discovery Museum Self Led
Discovery Museum welcomes self-led visits from schools and other groups. We ask that you please email learning@discoverymuseum.org.uk to let us know:
- The date of your Visit
- The time of your visit
- The number of students and year group/ age
- If any of your students would need support to leave the building in an emergency
On request, we can provide coat/ bag storage and lunch spaces for visiting groups*.
*At busy times we may be unable to provide lunch spaces or storage to self led groups
Hazard ID
We have created a Hazard ID to support groups in writing their risk assessment.
You can download a copy here: Hazard ID
Self Led Resources
To help you make the most of your time at Discovery Museum we have created several self-led resources to use in our galleries:
Steam to Green
Newcastle Story
Newcastle Story Scavenger Hunt
Story of the Tyne
Across the Museum
Building Bridges Gallery Resource
SEND Provision
At Discovery Museum we are dedicated to supporting all learners including those who have special educational needs and disabilities.
We have produced a Visual Story of the Museum which some children may find useful to see before a visit and and can be downloaded from here. There is also an online guide with a Street View of the different floors in the Museum which you can use to explore the Museum before a visit. This may be beneficial to some of our visitors with conditions that cause anxiety when entering a new environments. You can view the Street View of the Museum from here
To organise a visit that will fully support your group then please speak to one of the experienced members of the learning team on 0191 277 2183 or email learning@discoverymuseum.org.uk.

On site we offer a small range of resources that may help some children with additional needs cope with the busy museum environment. If you would like to borrow these resources during your trip then please let a member of staff know when you are making a booking via one of the workshop links or by emailing learning@discoverymuseum.org.uk directly.