Discovering Tales of Tyneside

Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums is keen to explore how Discovery Museum can better represent the changing stories of Tyneside and its communities

We'd like to form a community group to explore diverse stories

Montage of museum gallery images
Montage of museum gallery images 

We would like to form a small community group to take part in a new project, steering how to share more diverse stories and explore our history for families. 

If you can answer yes to all the following, we would like you to apply for this project. 

  • Do you live near Discovery Museum or local to Tyneside? 
  • Are you interested in helping the museum represent different/diverse stories, activities, events and displays? 
  • Are you part of an ethnically marginalised group? 
  • Are you over 18 and a Parent/Carer/Guardian to a child or children? 

What is involved?

Little girl in Discovery Museum
Little girl in Discovery Museum

We will work with successful applicants to discover new ways of telling the stories of the communities and histories of Tyneside. We’d like to work with people who want to explore the archives and collections in Discovery Museum to ensure we represent the communities we serve. 

We are particularly keen to develop stories/activity/events/displays for families. 

This will require some commitment and regular attendance and involvement at project meetings. There will be up to 10, two-hour meetings over the next year, some in person, and some online. You will be paid for your time (£50 per 2 hr session).  

This is a community led project, which means you will steer the focus of the project(s). The project will be delivered between May 2024 and May 2025. 

How to apply

If you would like to find out more, be emailed an application form, or ask any questions, please email  

To access the online application form click here

Please also email us if there is any barrier, (such as childcare) preventing you from taking part and we will do our best to support you. 

If you would like to submit a short video instead of a written application, or chat in person please contact 

 Closing date to apply for this opportunity is Friday 12 April 2024.